Counseling and Coaching


My former professor, Dr. Jim Cofield, says he feels compelled to take his shoes off in the counseling room because he is stepping on holy ground. I also feel the immense joy and honor of walking into stories that have been locked away for years, even decades, knowing they contain sacred pieces of who we are.

I earned my M.A. in Counseling at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando and serve as a Qualified supervisor in the State of Florida.


I specialize in working with women with a history of trauma and abuse as well as those struggling with infertility and sexual betrayal.


In addition to women, I find deep honor in engaging with couples who may be facing a crisis or are seeking deeper intimacy and connection.


I am trained in EMDR, an evidenced-based therapy that helps clients recover from past disturbing events which continue to impact their mind and body.

I believe that the counseling process involves listening and paying close attention to our bodies, hearts, and minds with the ultimate hope of loving ourselves, loving God, and loving others more fully.

Enneagram Coaching

My friend Chuck DeGroat introduced me to the enneagram over a decade ago and I have been captivated ever since. My heart marvels at imago dei, the truth that we were created in the image of God. As C.S. Lewis says, “There are no ordinary people. We’ve never spoken to a mere mortal.”

The enneagram is a tool that puts language to the ways we uniquely mirror the image of God in this world. Its framework enables us to consider the deep goodness that is within us, as well as wrestle with the ways this image has been shattered by the sin, trauma, and expectations that hide our God-given luminescence.

Enneagram coaching is a chance to look more deeply at who God made you to be, what motivates you, and what redemption looks like for your particular number. This process involves six sessions where we look more deeply into the core beliefs, coping strategies, and relational tendencies fueling our behavior. My hope is that clients will leave with a clearer understanding of their giftedness, the unique suffering they bear in the world, and their particular path into deeper love, rest and play.